Thursday, October 28, 2010

"There are no differences, but differences of degree, between degrees of difference and no difference."

This week's class reflection upon all of our blogs became a very enlightening discussion as to just how broad of a topic "pop culture" is. Mutli-racial issues, fantasy, pornography, football, hip hop, art, food, and make-up all became intertwined. The fact that each of these topics could somehow be related back to one another is significant of the fact popular opinion, consumerism, subculture, and art all create one continuous circle from which trends and new ideas arise.
As much as we would like to think we are different from one another, when it comes down to the core composition of our prefereces, we are driven by the same reasons as another person for liking what we like.

After we all, for the most part, talked about Dick Hebidge's article on "Subculture", it became a sadly obvious fact that in our own struggles to claim our uniqueness we are further propagating the establishment and popularity of what we have tried to keep as our own.

As of this point in the semester, this class has left me somewhat disenchanted with most things that I felt were unique or relative to myself. Maybe I was just a narssicist to begin with, but I really do not feel very special anymore!

I mean, Symbolic Creativity? Creative Consumption? Lets just face it. If what we make and what we consume becomes representative of our worth as human beings then I think we are seriously heading in the wrong direction as a society. Now even in our last essay on the topic of "Femininity" it has gotten to the point that we produce and sell and buy gender?
I just am left feeling really bitter.
Not so much angry, but kind of lame.
I would blame my feelings on all of this towards my liberal/socialist/anti-capitalistic tendancies...
But then Id just be placing mysel in yet another stereotype that ironically has been marketed, packaged, sold, and bought!

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